
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Furnace ?

The temperature in the house this morning when I got up was 67 degrees.  I got up and showered and got dressed.  I turned on furnace and it wouldn't come on.  I put two new batteries in the thermostat, and it still didn't come on.  I went outside and turned off the power to the heat exchanger and then turned it back on.  It still didn't work.  I turned on the morning and watched some of the morning news.  L fed the cats and the made old fashion oatmeal mush.  We watched two of the morning TV shows.  Carol drove tthe new car and we went to Fillmore and bought some groceries.  This afternoon I called Andrew Brown who could fix the furnace.   No answer so I called again.  He then answered and would try to come.  He didn't.  I cancelled our Thursday temple appointment because of a forecast for rain.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

New Car


When we left Holden this morning, it was a little after eight.  Carol had an appointment with a hearing doctor. Our car was gassed up and the oil level was just right.  We drove to Provo.  We drove into the Walmart where we were to meet Lisa and Eric.  We parked at the north end of the parking lot.  About 40 minutes later they drove up behind us and parked their car.  We went to a cafeteria for lunch.  The food was really good.  We then went to the clinic; we drove past several office buildings until we found the right one.  Eric and I waited in the car.  I think we waited there for over a half hour,  



Monday, October 14, 2024


It was 5:20 when I got up this morning.  I fed the cats and started breakfast. I watched most of the morning news and most of the morning TV shows. Carol vacuumed the family room and and cleaned the kitchen floor.  

I turned on the water and watered the pomegranate shrub. It was supposed to be watered by a drip, but it wasn't.
I cut off a slice in the center of a large tomato.  I then had a ham and tomato sandwich.  The tomato didn't taste as good as I thought it would.
I picked two buckets of tomatoes.  
This is a look at one bucket. Most of the tomatoes have cracks because of inconsistent watering.
I spent most of the afternoon digging puncture weeds.  I filled the bucket and then dumped it in the trash can and then filled it again.  I picked zucchini and crookneck squash.  I also picked some large bell peppers.  We are going up north to get another car, but we needed the title of our car.  I looked allover for it, Carol also looked all over for it.  Carol then suggested that I look in the safe.  I got the key and unlocked the safe.  I found a title and showed it to Carol, but it was some other car.  I went back and found our car title.  That was the surprise.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

After a Month

Carol got up earlier than I did.  She turned on the light which woke me up with a start.  I got up, showered and dressed.   I was out of old fashion oatmeal mush.  I started a new batch. Carol fed the cats.  After breakfast I made some tapioca pudding.   I then put on my suit and got ready for church.  Carol took me to choir practice.  There was a pretty good group that came to the practice.  After practice I went into the chapel and set with Carol.  A new family in the ward were the speakers.  The did a really good job.  It was one of the better sacrament meetings that we have had.  Carol went to relief society meeting, and I went to priesthood meeting.   

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Robert Helped

I was about ready to to get up and I wanted sleep for about five more minutes.  I went back to sleep and woke up about twenty minutes later.   I got up, weighted, showered, dressed, and said my prayers.  Carol got up, started the washer, showered and did her hair.  I fed the cats and started breakfast.  I watched some of the Saturday wood working shows.  Robert came and we went for a walk around the yard.  He was spraying weeds south of the shed.  

The was a milk can in the shed that belonged to my dad.  My dad's name, Lester Johnson, was pressed in the side of the can.  It is hard to see it.

A better image.

Robert is spaying weeds, mostly grass south of the shed.
It is hard to tell what this is. There are two plastic signs that are upside down covering weeds.  mostly morning glory.  They are held to the ground with fabric staples.
Robert brought some small fruit trees that he is planting south of greenhouse six.

His planting here.
Robert took the pomegranate bush that has been in our front yard all summer to greenhouse five.  He put a water tube in it.  It will be watered every day; I turned on the gas and then Robert turned the furnace on.  The furnace came on.  Carol fixed us some lunch.  After lunch, Robert went home.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Searching Postings


The fig bushes in greenhouse six are really tall.

We stopped at Roper's for a storm door and something to stop a leaking toilet.

11 October 2024 Friday 

Watched most of the morning TV shows.

We drove to Fillmore for some we went to the Dollar Store for motor oil.  I also bought a new plug-in phone.  The phone did not work.  It was a piece of junk.

We had a tomato and cheese sandwich for lunch We had hash brown potatoes and fried summer squash for supper.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024