
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Richard Walks In


When we got up this morning there was a light dusting of snow.  I made three bowels of old fashion at meal mush.  We watched some of the channel seven shows on woodworking and cooking.  shows.   Later this afternoon Richard comes in through the back door.  He had be hunting pheasant.  He didn't feel well.  He had a stomachache.  Carol treated it with pain pills.  He got feeling better.  This evening we made omelets for supper.  By now Richard was feeling much better.  At the left is the omelet that I ate.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Mostly a usual day.  This morning after the morning TV show I checked on the greenhouses.  The sun was shining and the temperature greenhouse five was about 55 degrees.  I went out later in the day and it was much warmer.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Old Friend

We were home watching TV when the doorbell rang, and it was CR Charlesworth.  He sales produce and some other items. We haven't seen him for a long time.  He said that we haven't been home.  After he left I waked out to greenhouse five.  I hope to plant onions, radishes, green arrow peas.  

The pomegranate bush froze when the furnace failed to turn on.  The leave came off.  the photo shows a pretty sick looking plant.  The stems and branches look like the will be okay.  As the days get longer, new leaves should begin to grow.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Of to the Market

Things back to normal. All of the Christmas things are put away for another year.  Both inside and outside.  There were a few extension cards laying on the floor in the garage.  I got them put away.  After breakfast we watched the morning TV shows.  When they were over, we drove to Fillmore for groceries, gas, two furnace filters.  When we got home, I installed one of the filters.  I ate the rest of the spaghetti for lunch.  More warmups for supper.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Fast Sunday

I slept in this morning.  It being fast Sunday I didn't have to prepare breakfast.  Richard was gone when I got up.  I showered and put on my overalls.  We bought spareribs yesterday.  It took quite a while to adjust the oven.  Temperature, bake time, start time.  I read the lesson material.    We went to church and set on the same bench where we usually sit.  There were many that asked me about my health.  Last week I passed out and was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance.  Of course, I told everyone that I was feeling good.  After church we went home for a good dinner.  Later Richard went home.  

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Quick Trip to Payson


This morning after breakfast we drove to the Payson Temple

after Lunch I mowed the lawn.  I got two bags of leaves

Friday, January 3, 2025

Richard Returns

The Amaryllis had three blossoms the morning.  It is so pretty.  

After breakfast w watch the morning MeTV shows.  I took the household garbage to the dumpster.  Richard comes home for the weekend.  Carol fixes supper for us.  We have a little more of the money pudding.  We watched TV most of the evening.  
While we were eating supper, we heard a small crash,  it was the amaryllis. It fell over.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Lots of Company

I was up on time this morning.  Richard was gone.  I turned on the morning news.  It was about the person driving his truck into a lot of people and shooting more people.   I fixed breakfast.  Richard came back and I fixed his breakfast.  Carol made spaghetti for lunch which was very good. After lunch Richard and I put the outside Christmas lights away.  Lisa and Eric came brought some money pudding.  We ate some of it.  Elizabeth called and wished me a happy birthday.

Here is the picture of me and money pudding.

Lisa and Eric stayed the night with us.  

Surprise in Holden


Lisa and Eric surprised us yesterday with an unexpected visit.  The stayed the night with us, This Carol and I were up early this morning and got ready for our drive to the Mount Timpanogos temple.  Eric helped with breakfast.  The drive to Linden was uneventful.  We picked up the Batty's and went to the temple. We got some groceries at Sam's Club and then drove home.

We pulled into the post office in Holden. Lisa and Eric pulled in to the side of us.
We took the Batty's home and while there I took this selfie.
Some of the money that was in the money pudding.
Lisa made a large tray of money pudding.  I am wearing a cap.
Balloons indicating my age.