
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Near Tragedy

One evening I wanted to have some cracked wheat mush.  I usually put 1/2 half cup of wheat and two cups of water, some raison and salt.  I bring it to a boil turn it off, put a lid on, and let it sit all night.  The next morning I put them in to two mush bowls.  One goes in the fridge and the other in the Micro wave for 90 seconds.

I put it on the stove and the stop clock to see how long it would take to bring it to a boil.  The next time I would be able to set the time for the amount of time it took to come to a boil.  When the time would be up I would turn the burner off, put the lid on, it would be ready for the next morning.  I got busy with some thing and did not notice until we could smell smoke.  I went to shut the gas off, but there was no flame.  I took the burnt mush and pan outside.  I opened the doors, but it still took an hour or so to get the burn smell out of the house.

When it was time to go to bed, Carol asked me if I had locked up the chickens for the night.  I hadn't and didn't want to.  Carol made quite a fuss over that so I locked them up.  When I came back into the house, I could smell gas.  I then notice that the gas was still on.  The mush had boiled over and put out the gas flame.  It must have been running for about and hour. 

No telling what would have happened if Carol hadn't insisted on me locking up the chicken.  We ould have gone to bed and the rest of the story would have been speculation.  We could have smelled the gas during the night, turned the light switch on, and most likely there would have been and explosion and a fire. 

We have been blessed and thank the Lord that everything turned out well.

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