Carol's Temple recommend expires at the end of this month. I called the executive secretary to make and an appointment. There was no answer. I left a message. He called back later and asked for Carol. She was somewhere in the yard. So he said that she could go in a little after seven. I forgot to tell her then, We were doing some planting in the garden. At 6:30 I went into the house, I then remembered. She went in, got cleaned up and went to our Church house where she got here recommend.
She had to be interviewed by a member of the stake presidency. Yesterday the stake president came to the nursery to buy some plants. We have a new stake presidency, and I didn't know him and I probably wouldn't recognize him. The couple who I vaguely recognized, purchased some plants. When he gave me his credit card, I knew that he was the stake president. Just before he left, I asked him if he would sign carol's recommend. He said that he would. Carol was surprised. She had barely written herself a note to go to Fillmore and get recommend signed. He asked her the questions and signed her recommend.