
Thursday, February 20, 2025


Normally we would be at the Timpanogos temple today.  Carol is feeling better but not well enough to go to the temple.  We probably would have stayed home because it was snowing, |It was snowing lightly all day long.  This afternoon I went out the greenhouse five. There were two cats on the heating pad.  I watered the tomato seeds.  No germination so far.  I ordered a hundred geranium seeds.  They were a mixed color.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Another Try

Yesterday I worked for more than an hour getting a Mavrik card endorsed.   After lunch I worked on it again.  Partial success came quickly but I wasn't able to complete it.   I gave up and may try it again tomorrow.  Early this evening I went out to house five.  There were two cats laying on the tray containing the tomato seeds.  

This how it looked when I left it yesterday afternoon.  I covered it with a light web tray.
There are cat tracks all over the tray.  I covered it with a short stack of heavy trays.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Carol is feeling a little better this morning.  This afternoon I turned the water on at the greenhouses.  I watered the tomatoes that I planted yesterday.  I then turned off the water.  After lunch I was on the phone with a credit card lady trying to get my Maverik card registered.  I was on the phone with her for over an hour.  We didn't get it done.  I gave up and told her that I was tired and would try again tomorrow.   This evening, I went back to the greenhouses and turned the water on a little bit.  I also called Dave Dallen and got an appointment to do income taxes.  At six tomorrow.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Planting Tomatoes

Carol is beginning to feel a little better. She showered and did her hair.   After breakfast we watched the MeTV shows. The fridge was empty, so I drove Fillmore and bought a bunch of frozen dinners.  Carol made cheese and baloney sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch I gathered the garden seeds and went out to greenhouse fived to prep the potting soil for planting.  The wheelbarrow had a flat tire.  I was going to get the compressor but instead I took the wheelbarrow to the garage and pumped up the tire.  The potting soil was super dry.  I broke it into smaller pieces and got it wet.  I then filled the germination tray and planted the tomato seeds.  1San Marzan, 2 Lemon Boy, 3 Celebrity, 30 seeds 4. Brandywine Pink, 10 seeds, 5. Cherokee Purple.  10 seeds.
I put a tray on top of the seeds to keep off the cats.
I put the tray on the heating mat.
I turned off the water but later came back and turned it This is a photo of a little water running so it won't freeze and break the pipes.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Long Wait

Saturday morning was pretty uneventful.  We watched some interesting TV shows.  Carol turned them on and I didn't watch any of the Saturday morning wood working shows.  This afternoon I drove to Fillmore for gas and groceries.  I stopped at the Maverik station.  There were cars at every pump.  I lined up behind a pickup that had several mattresses in in the back.  I backed up and got behind car that looked like it would soon leave.   I stopped behind it.  They went into the store.  After a while they got in the car and drove away.  The long wait was over.  I went into the store and got me a Maverik card.  With the card I get a discount.  I got in the car and bought some groceries.  I then drove home.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Rain Like Hail

I didn't post anything on Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Carol is sick, so on Wednesday morning we went to the clinic to see a doctor.  She then went to the hospital for an Xray of her lungs. She had a little covid and pneumonia.  I picked up her prescription and I went back again to get another prescription and bought some groceries at the market   Today is Friday the 14th of February.  I can't write much.  Today is valentine day.  I gave Carol, my sweetheart a box of chocolates.

Every morning we go the post office.   I went twice. The first time I picked up the mail.  The second time was this afternoon to post a birthday card. 
Thers was a dusting of snow this morning on our driveway.  Carol is feeling just a little better.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Cold Night & Day

I got up in time to watch the news.  I started the old fashion oatmeal and fed the cats.  I watered the house plants which something that we do every Monday morning, after breakfast we watched the morning MeTV shows.  We haven't done that for quite some time.

I walked out to house five to water some of the plant.  I left one hose on and it ran all night.  There was a big puddle of water, and I couldn't get close the thermometer.  The sun was shining and the temperature 100 degrees.
I hadn't feed the chickens for several days.  We got a large bag of lay pellet a couple days ago,  I opened the bag and pot some pellets in the feeder and then put it in the hen house.  One of the gray cats was watching me do my chores. Most of the snow on the back lawn has melted.  Carol has a bad cold.  She didn't go to her DUP meeting this afternoon.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sabath Today

Carol drove me to choir practice this morning.  There was not a very good turnout.  There was two men and about six women plus a man conducting the choir.  The speakers were very good.  Two young men that talked without notes.  One was in primary, and the other one was a deacon.  The priesthood lesson pretty good.  I couldn't keep up with my small tablet.  We came home to a good dinner which consisted of a baked potato, string beans, and chocolate pudding.  My SAMSUNG tablet is to working right.  I can't get any screen color.  I think I worked on that for over an hour.   

Saturday, February 8, 2025

What? Snow

When I went to bed last night I thought that I would sleep in, but I changed my mind.  I got up at the regular time.  There wasn't a TV signal.  I put on my coat, hat and shoes and then went outside and cleaned the snow of the TV dish. There was a bunch of snow this morning when we got up.  I uncovered the dish and after breakfast I went outside and took the following pictures.

Looking north I got a picture of the snow and some snow on the power lines
This picture is of the fence on the south side of our yard.  There is a donkey on the other side of the fence.
This picture is south of the house.
This picture is of the back yard.  House five is in the middle of the picture.
This is how the driveway looked.
This picture is north west of the frond yard.  The driveway ison the other side of the dawn redwood.
This picture is the front yard  looking east.
Another front yard looking east.  The Dodge truck is on the left.   By evening some of the snow has melted.  I called Russel Monrow at noon.  He wanted to by greenhouse one.  The price was $3,000.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Off to Payson

After I got up this morning I showered, shave, and put on my suit.  I started my old fashion oatmeal mush.  I soon discovered that I had a bowel of mush in the fridge.  Now I have four bowels of mush.  After breakfast we left Holden and drove the Payson temple.  After the session we drove straight home.  There was a big traffic jam before we got to Nephi, they were working on the road.  The right lane was closed and all the traffic moved to the left lane.  It was nearly one when we got home.  After lunch we drove to Fillmore to by gas.  We usually go to Loves.  Instead, we went to the Maverick station,

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Big Surprise

This day started as regular day, but I never dreamed the way it ended.  The first photo should be the last one and the photo at the end should be the photo that I took first.  This evening the front doorbell rang.  It was Lisa and Eric.  They brought us two new couches.  One was longer and the other was short.  

The above photo shows the short one.  Lisa is applying an oil rub.  
Eric is doing the same thing on the longer couch.
Here Lisa is helping Eric bring in one of the couches.
Here Erlc is screwing on the short feet.
The trailer hooked to their car holds the couches.
Carol is looking out the front door.
One of the old couches is carried to the trailer.
Taking the couches out the door.  It was a pretty tight fit.  
The old couches waiting for their turn out the door.
The temperature in greenhouse five.  I watered most of the plants.
Lisa applying a light oil.  For supper we made omelets.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Another Warm Day

I checked the plants in greenhouse five.  Two cats followed me out. Carol was on the phone with Nyleen Batty several times today.  I got the blower and blew the leaves off the front porch.  It has been quite warm all day.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Very Warm

After the breakfast and the morning MeTV shows we drove to Fillmore market and bought groceries that cost us over $100.   

This afternoon I got a pan of green arrow peas.  I wanted to plant a row them in greenhouse five.   I dug up the old hot pepper plants that had died.  The ground was hard and dry.  I got our little tiller.  It was out of gas and there wasn't any gas in the garage.  I couldn't get any water for the drip tape.  I took of my coat off my coat because it was so warm in greenhouse five.  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Fast Sunday

I got up about 5:40 this morning and started the beef roast cooking in the slow cooker.  I went back to bed and got at 6:20.   Richard was up and went for a ride in his truck.  I fed the cats and turned on the morning news.  There wasn't much.  Richard called and said that his truck was stuck in the mud by the hot pots west of Meadow.  Went to church hopping that he would join us for Sunday school.  He didn't.  After Sunday school we went home.  Richard was there and started to wash his muddy clothes.  We had a good dinner.  Some people at the hot pots helped him get out of the mud.  I don't know how it damaged his truck. He called later say it would be expensive to repair.

Carol's sister Nyleen called several times.   It was four this afternoon when Miles died, I was asked to dedicate the grave.  It will be at Wallsburg.  

Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Good Day with Richard


up at regular time this morning.

Richard was gone.

Lunch: grilled cheese sandwiches.

I went with Richard up the canyon.  Saw some deer.