Watched some of the morning news. After breakfast I read the Priesthood lesson. Carol took me to choir practice. I used a new pair of glasses that helped some in being to the words of the hymns that we are learning. The sacrament meeting speakers did a good job. The teacher of the priesthood class also did a good job. Carol went to the relief society room for her meeting. After dinner I walked out to greenhouse five. There were four cats laying on the germination trays. They wouldn't move. I had to pick some of them up. I turned on the water and began to water the plants. The water pipe come unglued and water was running. I shut off the water.
I removed the screen and put it aside as showed in the above picture.Another picture.
I used duct tape to cover a hole in the west door of greenhouse five.
The tomato seeds are germinating and stretching for sunlight.
Another picture of the west door duct tape. I taped both sides of the door.
I had some glue and was able to glue it back together.
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