good day
I write all most every day of what goes on in our home in the garden and in the nursery. We are ordinance workers at the Manti Temple on the Tuesday morning shift and the Saturday evening shift. In addition there are several trips to Utah county a couple of times a month and a few short trips to other mountain west areas. Our family is most important to us. All of our children live in Utah except one who lives in Kentucky.
We had hoped to be at the Timpanogos temple this morning, but because of the rain and snow we decided that we would not go. This morning, we watched the morning news and watched MeTV shows. I made a new batch of old fashion oatmeal mush.
While I was writing this my phone rang. It was a lady from Utah county. She wanted information on growing native plants. I talked to her for about 15 minutes. I went out to greenhouse five and turned up the thermostat.
The above photo shows the temperature.I am writing some of the things that happened yesterday, today which is Thursday. We did go for a ride around Holden which we do quite often in the afternoons. I didn't take any pictures on Wednesday. Carol took Alisha Bills to Fillmore to get some groceries. I called the Utah state retirement office to get the 1099-R paper so I could finish filing my income taxes. I was on the phone for quite a while. I gave them the requested information. She said that I should get the paper in a couple of days.
Normal Monday morning. Breakfast. three MeTV shows. I turned on the water for house five. After the TV shows we picked up the mail and the picked-up Elisha Bills. I got a refund check from the natural gas company. We went to State Bank of Southern Utah where I cashed the check, we then went to the Fillmore Market for some groceries. it is quite cold today. It even snowed enough to wet the road some.
This afternoon I planted the stem end of four sweet potatoes. I cut them off Saturday. I gave them some time for the cut part to scab. I cleaned all of all of the old plant vines. I made four small holes and buried them with the stem end up. We baked the root part and ate them Sunday evening.When I got up this morning Richard was gone. This not unusual for him. It was a little after six when I got up and put a roast in the slow cooker. We didn't have breakfast because it was fast Sunday. I watched some news and then turned on the radio for Sunday morning program. It was getting time for church. Richard called and at the freeway exit there was an injured owl laying on the edge of the road. He reported it to a highway trooper. A state wildlife officer was called. Richard waited there until the officer came. Richard called us and told us what happened. Carol told him that we would leave the back door unlocked. We then went to church and attended the sacrament and Sunday school meetings. The Sunday school meeting was nearly over when Richard came in. We then went home to a good dinner. Richrd soon went back to Heber. We watched the Movie, Fiddler on the Roof."
It was just getting light when I got up this morning. Richard was gone as usual. After breakfast Richard came back. Carol and I fixed breakfast for him. We had soup for lunch. Richard came back. While he was in Delta, he met some friends and had lunch with them. Last night I made some adjustments to the timing clock. The batteries were dead when I went out to the nursery. I installed two ne batteries. I then reprogramed the timer. I watered some of the plants. Water was spraying all of where the hose was connected to the hose bibb. I got a new gasket and fixed it.