
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Richard and the Owl

When I got up this morning Richard was gone.  This not unusual for him.  It was a little after six when I got up and put a roast in the slow cooker.  We didn't have breakfast because it was fast Sunday.  I watched some news and then turned on the radio for Sunday morning program.  It was getting time for church.  Richard called and at the freeway exit there was an injured owl laying on the edge of the road.  He reported it to a highway trooper.  A state wildlife officer was called.  Richard waited there until the officer came.  Richard called us and told us what happened.  Carol told him that we would leave the back door unlocked.  We then went to church and attended the sacrament and Sunday school meetings.  The Sunday school meeting was nearly over when Richard came in.  We then went home to a good dinner.  Richrd soon went back to Heber.    We watched the Movie, Fiddler on the Roof."  

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