
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Super Hamburger Patty

At 5:30 this evening, Carol asked me to cook supper.  "There's some hambuger. cook it at six.  I finished watching the news and began to prepare the hamburger.  I don't like to do hamburgers because they get to thick.  I decided to make one big hamburger.  I added to the meat in a mixing bowel onions, garlic, and salsa to the meet and mixed it up with my hands.  I pammed the frying pan, put in the meat, and formed it into one big hamburger, turned on the heat.  I cooked the one side for eight minutes.  Can I turn it over?  No! I put a large dinner plate upside down over the pan.  I started to turn it over and it slipped out of my hand.  I saved most of it, but landed on the burner to my left and some went to the floor.
I cleaned up the mess and turned over what was left in the pan. 
It is now on the table ready to eat.  It really tasted good.  Carol had baked two large pieces of banana squash to go with it.  We had yogart for desert.

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