
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Carol's Dr Appointment

Over the last month or so Carol has been experenceing shortness of breath.  She has been on oxygen during the night and occasionally during the day.  I have encouraged for some time to see the doctor.  Finally she called this morning and got a 3:30 appointment.

They did a EKG, cat scan, and a few other tests.  The test results are emailed to doctors in Utah county.  Dr. Gross called around seven with the results.  Her shortness of breath is caused by some blood clots in her lungs.  This could turn into a serious health problem.

Carol sends money to the grandkids on their birthday.  She used to put a dollar bill in the envelope; one for year of age.  As the grandkids have grown older, she now sends them some money.  Emi, is elven and she gets elven quarters.  We have two large jars in the pantry with coins. One is two quart size and the other one is one quart size.  The larger one was full of coins.  Needed some coins, so she went to the coin jar for the quarter.  The large one was missing.  It was there in the beginning of October.  Richard was here a week ago Monday.  Robert and Frank were her for a couple of hours last Saturday.  Holden and Meagan where here Saturday afternoon.  That is the only people that were in the house.

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