
Monday, June 3, 2024

Elizabeth Left

I was up at the usual time this morning.  I showered, dressed, and shaved.  Carol was up a little later.  I started my old fashion oatmeal mush.  I then fed the cats.   Elizabeth then got up.  I fried Carols egg and made a couple pieces of toast.  Elizabeth scrambled my egg.  After breakfast she loaded her suitcases in the trunk.  It was a little before eight when we left Holden.  We were to meet Eric Gray at the pioneer park in Provo.  We were there long before Eric was there.  Carol used to live-in that neighborhood, so we drove past her old home.  Elizabeth lived for a short time in a basement apartment.    We went back to the park.  Eric parked his car next to us.   We loaded her stuff into Eric's car.  We said our good-byes and started home.

Left to right: Eric, Carol. Merrill, and Elizabeth.
On the way home we stopped at Home Depot for some flowers and vegatables.  I got five strawberry plants.  This is Carol reaching into the plant racks.
There were some interesting concrete blocks that held 2x4's for raised beds.  We stopped at Wendy's where we bought our lunch which we ate one the way home.
Just before we got to Nephi the was traffic jam.  We stopped in Scipio for gas.  It was almost one when we got home.  
Tiger, our cat, scamp our other cat and two kittens are in the top bunk,
Here is another picture.  Tiger is missing in this picture.
We have several containers.  Here Carol

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