
Friday, June 7, 2024

Timpangus Temple

I was watching the clock waiting for 5:30 when Carol woke me up.  I showered and then dressed in my suit.  I didn't have time to make old fashion oatmeal mush.  Carol scrambled my egg.  She put it in a bowel and I covered it with ketchup.   I took my medications.  We were running late, and I couldn't find my recommend.  It is usually in the inside pocket of my suit.  I checked it earlier and didn't feel it.  We looked in other clothes and still didn't find it.  I took out all of the cards that were in my wallet, still no recommend.  We were going to go to the temple anyway.  I checked my pocket again and there it was.  We put our temple bags in the trunk.  Carol then drove the car to Linden where we picked up the Batty's and went to the temple, Carol stopped at the loading and unloading area.  I soon found parking spot close to the temple door.  There were several buses from the missionary training center.  The temple has been closed for a month for maintenance There were several buses of missionaries at that time also.  We had an enjoyable time today

I took a good photo of the temple with a cloudless blue sky.
We took the Batty's back home and got a fuzzy selfie.  Nyleen fixed us a good sack lunch which we eight one the way home.  I changed into my work clothes.
This a wet spot in the lawn at the south end of the west garden.
I dug it up and found the pipe that was leeking.
I uncovered more of the leaking pipe.  Elisha wanted to go to Fillmore for groceries.  I went to Roper's for some parts. 

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