
Thursday, May 11, 2017

This Flamingo box elder tree appears to be dying.  There are only a few leaves and the immediate is swarming with box elder bugs.  Last fall there were thousands of aphids on the trunk and lower branches.  We may have to cut it down.

 The first thing this morning, we filled two tubs with purple fountain grass and petunias.  I dug the fountain grass last fall and kept it in house two for the winter.  With a saw I cut it in half.  Each basket got a half.  The petunias were growing in begonia  tub.  I didn't plant them, but they just come up.
Below is a canna lily that came up from seed in our vegetable garden.  This was also dug up last fall and kept in the greenhouse.  I grew most of the winter.  I have no idea of size or color. 
Three lantana plants were saved from last year.  They are starting to bloom now.  Two are on the front porch in black nursery cans.

Below is the darceina that was planted last year.  I brought this inside and has grown quite a bit this spring.  I pulled off the dead leaves.  It is about half way into the ground.  I connected to the drip line with a noodle and lead weight on the end.  The pressure pushed the tube out.  I tied it in with a twist.
This fertilizer has been in house four for several years.  I got a pallet of it from BYU.  I put four quarts in the green sprinkler and diluted it with 3 or 4 of water.  This I used to fertilize the corn and pole beans. 
 The darker gray is the above fertilizer from above.
 here I made a row for the Burpless cucumbers.  The wire hog fence below will be held upright.  Hopefully I will stand the fence on its edge.  The long burpless cucumbers will be trained to climb the horse fence.
The fall crocuses are being crowded out by the foxtail.  I dug it all up.

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