
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday Wash

We removed the bedding from our beds and Carol put them in the washing machine and then to the dryer.   I didn't get to watch my TV shows.   I fixed breakfast.

Carol found the waffle maker in the dark places of the pantry.  We had waffles, eggs. and bacon for supper.
The yellow crookneck squash are starting to come up.  There is just a couple so far.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Another Trip to Fillmore


I was able to watch the morning TV shows.  

I wanted to water the peach tree this afternoon.  There was a hose bib in the brush on the south side of the orchard.   A garden hose was attached to it.  Years ago, I cut off the hose.  I don't remember why I did it.  I wanted to water the peach tree.  I had to removed female garden hose stub.  I used a small pipe wrench and channel pliers, and it wouldn't turn off.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Busy Day


After breakfast I spent most of the morning helping Carol.  We did a lot of cleaning.  After that we got out the apple peeler.  I operated it and Carol got the apples ready for peeling.  She the cooked them.  After that she mashed them.   

Sunday, July 28, 2024


It was a little late when we got up this morning.  We always listen to the radio on Sunday mornings.  After breakfast we tuned on channel eleven TV for church programs, we went to church and as usual we set on the third row.  After sacrament meeting, I stayed in the Chaple for priesthood meeting and Carol went to the relief society for her meeting.   Priesthood meeting was good. We then came home for a good dinner and good pudding.  After supper I watered the plants and corn in the south garden.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Temple


We were both up by six this morning, after an early breakfast we headed for Lindon.  It was around seven when we hit the freeway.  The traffic was pretty light until we got to Utah county and then it was not too bad.  We picked up Miles and Nyleen in Linden and drove the Timpanos temple.  I found a place to park quite close to the temple doors.  After a good session we took Miles and Nyleen home.

We got somethings at Walmart and then drove home.

 It was about 2:30 when we goe.t home.  While we were gone the wind blew the step ladder over.  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Back to Normal

I was up at my regular time.  I turned on the news.  We fed the cats and started breakfast.  After breakfast we watched the morning TV shows. I watered the plants on the front porch.   Carol made tuna fish sandwiches for lunch.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Twenty Fourth

It was a strange morning. I got up several times this morning, It was to early so I went back to bed.  At last, it was 6:20 which is my usual time.  I is the fourth of July when we celebrate the arrival of the pioneers into Utah.  We didn't have breakfast because we will eat at the park.  We watched the morning news and a couple TV shows.  We fed the cats.

The young men and young women put out the flag.  I took a lot of pictures. I got one when the wind blew the flag open.
Carol was stationed at the DUP table.  There were several books about the people that live or lived in Holden.  Carol and me and our son Robert were mentioned.  There were pictures of our home.
There was a pioneer dress there.  Carol took the picture of me with my arm at the back.
The rest of the photos are of some of the people in the parade.  

This is the last picture of the parade.  After the parade we ate we ate lunch.  I waited in line for some home made ice cream.  I got some for Carol and me.

This evening, I watered the sweet corn.  I also started to hang the tomato plants.  The above plant has the tomato clips.
This is a picture of the hooks attached to a pipe.  I will put up more in the future.  After supper we watched TV until we went to bed.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

One More

I had the sprinklers running all night.  As soon as I showered and dressed, I went outside and turned off the sprinklers.  During and after breakfast we watched the morning channel 44 TV shows.   I watered the plants on the front porch.  Early this after I drove to Steve's Tires to have the car checked out.  They couldn't do anything then. 
I watered the corn and tomato plants.   The above photo shows the water at the end of the row.
 I went to Fillmore Market and got a few groceries.  I then back the garage.     They couldn't find the part that they needed.   It was more TV.  Carol made grilled cheese sandwiches for supper.  More TV. I then went out and watered the sweet corn.  More TV until we went to bed.  

Monday, July 22, 2024

First Day

I was up fairly early this morning.  I was able to watch most of the morning news.  The big part of the news is about resignation of President Biden.  I ate breakfast by myself.  Carol showered and put up her hair.  She washed sheets and other clothing.  I helped her make the beds.  I did some watering this morning.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Larry & Leslie

When I got up this morning, Richard was gone.  We were almost finished with breakfast when Richard came back.  He ate his mush and fried him a couple of eggs. It we went to church.  The sacrament meeting speakers were ok.

   The Sunday school teacher did a good job.  Carol had made chocolate pudding.  Richard cooked some big porkchops.  We had backed potatoes.   Richard left in the afternoon.   There was a message left on our phone and it sounded like Leslie Pay, Larry's wife.  Carol called them and was told that they were coming to visit.  We were watching some channel eleven when they came.  We were glad to see them.  We had a good visit with them in the front room.  I forgot to take a picture.  After supper we watched TV until we went to bed.  

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Richard and Robert

After I got up this morning, I turned on the morning news.  After breakfast I turned on channel seven and watched two of the woodworking videos.   Robert rang the doorbell and then went out to the greenhouses.  I followed him out but couldn't find him.  Later I found him.

Robert is pruning his bonsai that has been in our front room for years.  43 years ago, it was started with a seed from a germinating lemon.  Robert sprayed much of the yard with Malathion to kill the grasshoppers, we won't know until tomorrow.   
Robert brought a bowl of apricots.  Carol pot them in pint bottles and got 14 pints.  
This is how the front porch looks after pruning the shrubs,  
Here Robert is pruning the shrub on the right side of the front porch.
Here is another photo of Robert pruning in front.  
It began to rain.  Not a sprinkle, but it was a down pore.   The water was bouncing on the driveway.  The lawn got a good soaking.
The water was pouring off the roof on to the ground by the front porch.   We had omelets for supper.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Drive to Fillmore

Watched the morning news but could not see channel 44.  Something went wrong with the computer system worldwide.  I took the weed eater out because it was cooler.  I cut down a lot weeds.  The battery died so I quit, put the battery back on the charger. It was about ten when we were able to watch channel 44.  After lunch we took Elisha to Fillmore.  She wanted to go to the Fillmore market.  We went to the LOVE gas station and filled the car with gas.  We bought some groceries and took Elisha to a friend's house to get a chicken.  We then came home.  This afternoon I watered the east lawn.  I put the sprinkler on the south end of the lawn and after each half hour or so I would pull the sprinkle north.  At the same time, I watered the front lawn with another sprinkler.  

There are two cucumber plant in the south garden.  I didn't plant them.  The above photo shows the two cucumber plants on the left.  On the right there is a tomato plant. This evening, I read from the book of Moses and the book of Abraham from the Pearl of Great price.
The last thing in the garden was watering the strawberry plants, the sweet potato plants. and the pepper plants. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Back to Timpanogos Temple

Up early this morning and an early breakfast.  It was a little before seven when we left Holden.  We picked up Miles and Nyleen Batty.  It was a short drive to the temple.  Carol stopped at the temple. I then found a place to park and walked back to the temple.  We had a good session.  My cousin, Leland Overson, his wife and some of their boys were on the same session with us.  After the session we went back to the home of Miles and Nyleen Batty.  Carol changed her dress and put her street clothes.

I walked out with Miles Nyleen and picked apricots.   Nyleen Always makes us a sack lunch.  We drove straight home.  We didn't have any problems with the car.   After we got home, I drove to Steve's tires to see if they could fix what was wrong with the car.  I made an appointment to see if they could fix the car.   I made an appointment at Steve's Tires to check out the car problem.  I bought four quarts of oil and two bottles of apple juice.  I did more watering.
The grasshoppers have eaten our onion plants nearly to the ground.  The above photo shows the onions after the grasshoppers finished.
It is terribly hot in greenhouse five this afternoon.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rest From Irrigation


Watched some of the morning shows

Filled the car with oil

Drove to Fillmore for some groceries,

Filled the car with gas at Loves.

Had Lunch

I went over to Alisha's house to check out the puncture weed.  

Cut down weeds with the weed eater until the battery died.

Elisa brought use some ice-cream.  We ate a dish of ice cream,

Supper consisted of a can of Cream of Chicken soup

Monday, July 15, 2024



It was a little after six when I got up.  I had a water turn this morning. It was getting light, and I thought that I would have water in our ditch.  There wasn't any.  I took my weed eater with me.  The ditch was pretty clean.  I cut down a few weeds.

Adam Remkes drove up. I thought that he would turn down some water, but he didn't.  I waited there for nearly a half hour when the water master drove up.  He soon had water coming.  I drove back to our yard.  There was no water.  I went back to the ditch, and it was really full of water.  There was a four-foot irrigation pipe standing up right with a little water coming out the top.  I pulled it up and there was a lot of sticks and weeds blocking the flow of water.  I took me quite a while to remove the junk.  At last, there was water.  I unplugged two gate valves and got water running west of the garage.   I then watered the east lawn then the front lawn and last was the back lawn.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Carol at Church

I was up at about 5:30 to put the roast in the slow cooker.  It was just getting light.  I got it started and went back to bed.  I got up at regular time, showered, dressed, prayers and shaved.  Carol got up and we fed the cats.  We prepared on dish filled with water and cat food. We let it soak awhile before we give it to the kittens.  I then put out the cat food.  After breakfast we watched channel eleven programing.  Carol studied her talk.  She is speaking in sacrament meeting.  Her talk was very good.  Priesthood and relief society were good.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Busy Day with Robert

Everything as usual this morning.  We were eating breakfast, and the back doorbell rang.  It was Robert.  He went out to the greenhouses and started to work.   I joined him after I finished breakfast.