
Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday at Mount Timpanogos Temple

We were up early this morning because we had to be at the Timpanogos temple at nine.  We fed the cats and I started breakfast.  After breakfast we left Holden.  We were about eight minutes later than usual.  The traffic was light so we at the home of Miles and Nyleen without any difficulties.  We then headed for the Temple.  I found a handicapped parking space close to the temple.  

We had a good experience at the temple.  Nyleen prepared a sack lunch for us which we ate on the way home.  We stopped at the Payson Walmart.  I wanted someone to look at my phone.  I wasn't able to look at my messages.  She found them, but it wasn't what I wanted.  I had her to delete all of the messages.  That was a mistake.  We then went home.  It turned out that I couldn't get any voice messages.  I watered the corn and most of the rest of the garden.  It has really been hot today.  It is nice to have AC in the car and in the house.

Tonight, I planted the zucchini seeds that had germinated.  I planted eight seeds about twelve inches apart.

Here I started to run water down the row.  

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