
Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1

 It was 6:20 this morning. I weighted, showered, dressed, and then went outside to get the earwig traps.

We had three traps.  On the left is the trap that I placed in the kidney.  There was a lot of earwigs. the two on the right were placed in the dahlia garden.  Not very many earwigs.  I made old fashion oatmeal mush.  Carol and I worked together fixing breakfast.  After breakfast we watched the morning TV shows, Matlock was continued until tomorrow. We are going to the Payson temple tomorrow and will not be able to see the end.  Thats okay.  

I dug up all of the green arrow pea vines and piled them up in the compost pile.
I cut down tall wild rye plants with my weed eater.  I stopped when the battery died.
Another photo.  I threw out old tree branches.
I watered all of the plants in the garden.  This is the sweet corn.
The topaz melons are vining.
The watermelon seeds that I planted a week ago are germinating.

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