
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Larry & Leslie

When I got up this morning, Richard was gone.  We were almost finished with breakfast when Richard came back.  He ate his mush and fried him a couple of eggs. It we went to church.  The sacrament meeting speakers were ok.

   The Sunday school teacher did a good job.  Carol had made chocolate pudding.  Richard cooked some big porkchops.  We had backed potatoes.   Richard left in the afternoon.   There was a message left on our phone and it sounded like Leslie Pay, Larry's wife.  Carol called them and was told that they were coming to visit.  We were watching some channel eleven when they came.  We were glad to see them.  We had a good visit with them in the front room.  I forgot to take a picture.  After supper we watched TV until we went to bed.  

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