
Friday, July 19, 2024

Drive to Fillmore

Watched the morning news but could not see channel 44.  Something went wrong with the computer system worldwide.  I took the weed eater out because it was cooler.  I cut down a lot weeds.  The battery died so I quit, put the battery back on the charger. It was about ten when we were able to watch channel 44.  After lunch we took Elisha to Fillmore.  She wanted to go to the Fillmore market.  We went to the LOVE gas station and filled the car with gas.  We bought some groceries and took Elisha to a friend's house to get a chicken.  We then came home.  This afternoon I watered the east lawn.  I put the sprinkler on the south end of the lawn and after each half hour or so I would pull the sprinkle north.  At the same time, I watered the front lawn with another sprinkler.  

There are two cucumber plant in the south garden.  I didn't plant them.  The above photo shows the two cucumber plants on the left.  On the right there is a tomato plant. This evening, I read from the book of Moses and the book of Abraham from the Pearl of Great price.
The last thing in the garden was watering the strawberry plants, the sweet potato plants. and the pepper plants. 

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