
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Help Has Arrived, but Left Four Hours Later

I was so dirty last night I showered before going to bed.  This morning I was up a day break.  There were three wasp nests in the shell on my pickup.  I took three grocery bags with me and with my hand in the bag, I grabbed the nest and closed it up.  I did all three and put those in another bag.  A rubber band held the bag close.  In to the garbage it went.
Robert and his BYU friends were here about eight.  I helped them in house one.  We were hanging tomato plants.  There were two rows of tomato plants that didn't have a wire above.  We put up the two wires and then began hanging the tomato plants to the wires.  We did this for over three hours.

I was interrupted to help Carol with sweet relish.  We ground up peppers, onions, and cucumbers.  She soaked them for two hours, and then I squeezed out the water.  She ended up with nine half pints or good relish.
After lunch it was work in our own garden.  We picked all the corn yesterday, at least I thought so.  I started to cut down the corn stocks, but to my surprise I found about twelve more ears of corn.  we had two of them for supper.  It has been hot work.
I stacked all of it on the compost pile.  It is getting be quite a big pile.   I hope that it will decompose during the winter.

Robert's plants are beginning to get grow to the top of the cow panel bow.  The fruits are hanging down.  There is one that is really big lower down on the other end.
There were sixteen romaine cucumber plants at the nursery.
I planted them where the first batch of corn was growing.  Some of them were nearly two feet long. The water run down the row.
I did a lot of weeding in the garden.  I first weeded the topaz melons.  Then around the large tomato plants south of the cucumbers..  When finished there I weeded on the south side of the cucumbers.
 I weeded along the head of the garden.  Most of the weeds were percaline.
 There is a raised bed that I neglected this year.  Last year there were beets and carrots growing there.  I removed all the dead plants and hope to grow carrots again this year.
 Lastly this evening I tied most of the summer squash plant to the stake.  A little fuzzy but you can see the twine around the stake close to the ground.  I have killed a squash bug and some eggs.

Comments and questions are welcomed.

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