
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May Tubs

Mush and scrambled eggs for me and a fried egg and toast for Carol.  After breakfast I we watched the channel 44 programs.  I said watched. but several times I fell asleep and missed the ending.  I had a can of soup for lunch.  I watered the baskets and tubs with water directly with water from greenhouse five.  After lunch I got the weed eater out.

A week ago we were at Wal Mart and bought two trays of bedding plants. We kept them on the rocker on the front porch.  I got some geraniums from greenhouse five that we also kept them on the front porch.  Carol made this arrangement in two other large tubs that we stored in greenhouse five all winter.
This is the same one as described above but shows it in the kidney.  
Here the two large tubs that Carol arranged.  Their place for the summer is the first step on the front porch.
Carol sitting in the sun is planting the flowers in one of the tubs.  We trade it with the tub on the left in the picture.
This is a photo of a yarrow plant out by the road,  It cast quite a shadow.
I did a some weeding with the weed eater.  The battery didn't last long.  I put the battery on the charger.
After the battery was fully charged, I did more weeding.  I weeded here until the battery died.
This is another section west of the trailer.  Lasonya was what we had for supper.  We watched TV until we went to bed,

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