
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday & More

Saturday morning, I was up at my regular time.  I weighed and was a little over a pound lighter than yesterday.  I prepared breakfast.  After breakfast Carol put dinner in the oven and then made some chocolate pudding.  I set the oven to cook while we were at church. We got ready for church and then soon drove to our ward house.  After sacrament meeting, we met in the foyer and soon met with members of the bishopric for our temple recommend interview.  A page was printed containing the recommend.  We signed our recommend and the was signed by the councilor. We then went back to Sunday School.  We ate dinner. 

went to the stake house where we met with a member of the stake presidency.  Carol and I met with different members if the stake presidency.  They interviewed us to determine if we were worthy of a temple recommend.  They signed our temple recommends.  As soon as we got home, I laminated them.

We watched TV until we went to bed.

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