
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Orem Temple

 It was around ten when we drove Orem.  There was a lot of traffic, but that didn't slow us down much.  

Our first stop was not at the Orem temple but at an Asian buffet.  

Around the table starting on the left.  Eric and Lisa Gray, Robert, Carol and Merrill Johnson, and Tai Gray.  On the left back is Richard Johnson, who was at work.  His equipment broke down. He came to this cafe two hours earlier and was still there when we came.  Jeanne, Robert's wife was there, but had to go to work.   We said our goodbyes and drove to the home of Miles and Nyleen.  
I took this picture.   I was standing on the Batty driveway and got a picture of the stormy mountains.
We had time to get a haircut before we needed to go to the temple. Miles gave me haircut while we waited.
We dressed in our Sunday best.  

Lisa brought this big bowel of strawberries, whipped cream and white cake.  We gave some to the Batty's.  We then drove to Orem temple.  We found a parking place close the temple door.  After the session was over, we took the Batty's back home.  We were going to stop at Sam's Club, it was late.  We stopped at Nephi and filled the car with gas. It was still light when we got home, I quickly changed clothes and watered the plants.  The tomato plants were looking good.  Nyleen fixed us a lunch which ate on the way home. We watched TV until we went to bed.

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