
Wednesday, May 22, 2024


The well was fixed.  The guy called me and said that the well was fixed.  We watered the baskets and tubs, the kidney, the dahlias and some of the lawn west of the driveway. After breakfast and the TV shows, we drove to Fillmore.  I had an appointment with the dermatologist.  The appointment was at one.  I called to make sure of the right time.  They said that I could come any time.  We soon went.  Carol waited out in the car.  I was soon in the exam room.  He didn't do anything. He gave me a prescription for a save that I would apply myself.  We then went to the drug store and as often happens they didn't have any and wouldn't have any until tomorrow afternoon.  We then went to the Fillmore Market where we bought groceries.  We then went to Roper's to get the screen for the back storm door.

I picked peas this afternoon, I was really hat in greenhouse five.  I worked the south side of the south row of pea vines. I sit on a chair while picking.  By the time finished my tote was full.   Carol washed them and put them in two grocery bags.  I put them in the fridge in the garage.  I ate the second half of the sweet potato.
Later this evening I picked rhubarb.  Carol cleaned it up.
This is a picture of the screen.  It took me a while pot it in and we hope that the cats won't climb it.  We watched TV until we went to bed.


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