
Friday, May 17, 2024

Peas Again

When I woke up this morning, I thought that it was Saturday, so I took my time with the morning routine.  I turned on the TV to watch the morning news.  I turned to channel two.  Channel two was the local news, The pills were ready for Friday.  then I realized that it was Friday I then watch channel five.  The national new was about over.  I fed the cats and fixed breakfast.  I watched a couple morning TV shows.  At ten I began to pick the peas.  

I pricked peas for about two hours.  The tote was full to the top. It was really hot.  It cooled off some when a cloud moved in front of the sun.
I took them into the house.  Carol dumped the tote into the sink full of water and washed them.  She began to shell out the peas.
She puts them on cookie sheets and then puts them in the freezer, It takes several hours to freeze them solid.  She writes the date on each zip bags.  
Carol's oxygen generator broke, and she ordered a new one this morning.  It was delivered this afternoon.
I ate a large piece of watermelon yesterday.  I gave the heel that I couldn't eat to the chickens.  The above photo show what was left this morning.
I put Alisha's liloc starts in pots to see if I can get them to grow.
I took the garabage to the dump. 
I had another piece of watermelon.  We watched TV until we went to bed.

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