
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Hose Fixtures

Carol gave me a twenty-dollar bill.  She wanted me to go to the post office have them exchange it for two ten-dollar bills.   Rod was there and mentioned that I was way over on the amount of water I could uses.  There apparently was a water leaking somewhere in the yard.  I had him shut off the water so I could find out where the water was leaking.  He shut off the water.  The water was leaking in greenhouse two, greenhouse four and in hen house.  I removed the three fixtures and took them to Roper's in Fillmore.  I got the new parts.  I put a hose bibb on the pipe in house four and then shut off the water.  I put and another hose bibb on the pipe in house two.  I then took off the hose bibb that supplies water the chickens in hen house.  I tried over and over to screw on the new hose bibb. It would not go on.  I took apart the tunnel apart tried to screw it on, Threads were stripped.  I took my cordless saw and cut off a piece of pipe, I used my pocketknife and scraped off all of hard water crud.  I found a couple of PVC parts and glued the on the last hose bibb.  I had someone call Rod to turn the water back on. I don't think that he got the message.

This morning i picked a large batch of rhubarb.
I took it to "share the harvest" at the Holden post office.  
This is the new hose bibb located in greenhouse four.  I found two of the baby kittens.  They are located west of the garage green house.  

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