
Saturday, August 31, 2024

BYU Foorball


went Fillmore

Made ice cream. 

watched BYU football on my laptop computer.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Another Busy Day

 Up early and was able to watch the morning news.  Carol did her hair.  We fed the cats and started breakfast.  We watched the morning TV shows on channel 44. Carol got the mail and I mowed the front lawn.

I discovered a bunch small tomatoes 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 What I/we, today:

1. Made new batch of old fashion oatmeal mush.

2. fed the cats/kittens.

3, drove to Fillmore to see Doctor Gross.  He cleaned the wax out of ears.  I went first and set on the exam table.  I was sitting on the table for a half hour.  I could watch the whole thing whole by watching the images on his phone.  At times it was very painful.

4.  Carol got on the exam table.  Her ears were not as bad as mine.  She handled the pain much better than I did.

5.  We stopped at the Fillmore market.  Carol bought a bottle of corn oil,

6.  We stopped at the driver office.  It was closed, but will be open tomorrow.

7.  We stopped at the drug store.  Carol bought four birthday cards.  She paid with a $20 dollar bill; The clerk gave back change.  They made a mistake and didn't give her back the right amount, she was shorted some.

8.  One the way home we stopped at the post office.  There was no mail.

9.  We had warms for lunch.

10.  Carol made two loaves of zucchini bread.  I helped some by chopping the walnuts.

11, This afternoon I started to water the front lawn and east lawn.  

12. Tonight, I went out to water the corn.  I watered the zucchini and crookneck squash plants, I didn't water the corn.  Today I couldn't find one ear of corn,  The grasshoppers ate most of the corn tassels.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Wash Bedding

What I/we, today:

1.  Removed the sheets and pillowcases to have them washed.

 2.  Fixed breakfast. 

 3.  Put the sheets and pillowcases back on the beds.

 4. Watched some the channel 44 TV shows.  Added a half quart of oil to the car engine.  Picked up the         mail.

 5.  Drove to Fillmore for gas, groceries, and greeting cards.

 6.  watched more TV.  Carol fixed tomato, bacon and tomato sandwiches

 7,  watered some of the garden.

 8.  watered more garden.

 9.  watered peach tree.

10. watered baskets on the porch and front yard.  Warmups of squash and potatoes.  Fed kitchen scraps        to chickens.

These are the kitchen scraps.  They are mainly squash and watermelon.
There are mainly crookneck squash flower buds for male and female flowers.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Carol Stayed Home


Carol was in so much pain last night that she didn't sleep.  I got up a early and put the roast in slow cooker, turner it on, and then went back to bed.  It was after seven when I got up.   We fed the cats and then fixed breakfast.  After doing some of the morning chores I got ready for church.  Carol stayed home.  I went to choir practice at nine.  I was the only man there.  After practice I went into the chapel and set our usual bench.  For a while I was the only person on that bench.  Soon some other people were on the bench with me.  The sacrament speakers recently on a church history tour. The speaker talked about their trip.  The priesthood meeting 

 has been extremely pain. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Robert Came

Robert came around nine this morning.  We went right to work.

Robert suggested that we use house one for our garden next year.  We pulled up and dug up all of the weeds except morning glory.
At the end of the day, I did the watering.  I watered most of the plants in the garden.  The above photo is of the pepper plants.
Late in the afternoon I went to the post office and picked up the mail. It was closed.  There was one letter in our mail bo.
I watered the hibiscus plants. They were pretty dry.
The topaz melons are getting quite large. I covered it with this wire baskets.  This will prevent the deer from eating them.
Robert pruned the suckers off this big leaf linden tree.
This cherry tree also had a lot of succors.  Robert cut them off.  He also cut off a couple lower branches.
The valve on the top of this pipe was spraying a small stream if water, Robert turned the water off at the well.  We found another valve.  Robert removed the defective valve and replaced with another one.  That fixed it.
This is a pile of weeds that were growing in house one.  The are just north of house one.  
This is a salvia plant that I had to tie up again.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Busy Friday


The yellow crookneck squash plants are getting big every day, There is no indication of flowers.
The zucchini squash is getting bigger.  The squash is begging to dry up.  
A five inch zucchini is hiding under the large leaf.
The stems of this salvia plant were laying one the ground like a large rosette. I  

Thursday, August 22, 2024

To the Temple Twice

After breakfast this morning we headed to the Timpanogos temple.  It was about five minutes to seven when we drove out of Holden.  The traffic was pretty light until we got in Utah county.  We picked up the Batty's and then drove to the temple.  I found a parking spot close to the front door of the temple.  We then put on our white clothes.  Miles and I met the girls, Nyleen and Carol, in the chapel.  After the session we took the Batty's home.  Nyleen's phone rang.  Someone from the temple called.  Nyleen left her wallet at the temple.  I tried to get some pictures of the beautiful landscape, but I couldn't get my phone to work.    We then drove back to the temple.  That to the temple twice.  Carol drives.  Nyleen always makes us a sack lunch that we ate on the way home.   We then drove straight home.  I the two greenhouses.  I turned on the water for about twenty minutes.  The chickens found a way to get on the back porch and in the front yard.  I fixed that.  When it got a little dark, I locked the chickens in the hen house.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


I didn't put the lawn mower away last night but left it parked west of the hen house.  A little before lunch I started the mower up and began to mow the weeds between the road and our yard.

I mowed from our driveway to the gate that went into our neighbor's yard.  I mowed up and down the street until I got all of the weeds down.  Most of the weeds are rag weeds.  The above photo shows the finished work.  
There not as many weeds here as in the first photo.  This afternoon I checked the progress of the plants in greenhouses five and six.  The two fans that helps keep the greenhouse a little cooler in the hot sun was not running.  I turned on various switches.  Nothing helped.  I then went the west end and blocked both doors open, I watered some of Robert's fruit trees.  I put the sprinkler under the peach tree and turned on the water. After it had run for an hour or so I moved it to two small cherry trees. 

I watered most of the plants in the garden.  In addition to those plants, I watered the geraniums.  Lastly, I watered the baskets and pots on the front porch.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Fence

 Watched all of the channel 44 TV shows this morning.

A beautiful Dalaila blooming in the kidney.   There are other dalaila that haven't bloomed yet.  I pulled
Topaz melon.  It may be ripe a week from today,
I found some welded wire and built this fence to keep the chickens away from the cat food on the porch.
I was standing on the back porch while taking the picture of the fence.
There are a lot of sweet corn plants that are not going to produce any corn.
This is where the corn plants were.   I was able to find four ears of corn which we ate for supper.  
I mowed all of the lawns.  I left a pair of pruners on the lawn.  I got off the mower to put them away.

Monday, August 19, 2024

More Puncture Weeds

It was 6;20 when I got up this morning.   I turned on the morning news and started breakfast.  After breakfast I watched the channel 44 programs.  At eleven we took the house garbage to the dump.  It was all in one large black garbage bag. We also took a large white bucket full of puncture weed that I dug up last Saturday. 

The above photo is from last Saturday.    On the way home we stopped at the post office and picked up the mail.  

After lunch I walked out to greenhouse five, some of the pepper plants were doing well. I looked into house two There were lots of puncture weed in house two.  I dug up all of them, there were more in house one.  I dug them up.  North of house one there were more puncture weeds.  I dug them up and made small piles.   I took them to the dump.  There were other people there.  A teenager boy came over and offered to help me.  He took my bucket of puncture weeds and dumped them in the dumpster. 
The above photo shows several plants and makes itlook like there was only one.
Somebody sprayed weed killer on the puncture weeds.  They are dead.

I picked sweet corn for supper.  Carol boils it for ten minutes.  It is very good.   I put olive oil in a small tuna fish can, to catch earwigs.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Morning Rain

 I got up and turned the TV to the morning news.  I went outside and got the cans containing olive oil.   Carol got up and did her hair.  I started breakfast.  After breakfast I grabbed my shovel and walked to out to the south garden.  I found a wet spot on the west end of the corn patch, There I dug a hole and buried the dead hen that died yesterday,

Later this morning I got my shovel and started digging puncher weed on the west side of our driveway.  I dug enough puncher weeds to fill a five-gallon bucket.  I dug some on the east side of our driveway.
There was lightening and thunder,  The water was pouring off the front porch roof.
The front sidewalk was wet from the rain, The raindrops were splashing on the sidewalk.
The can of olive oil had one small worm swimming on the bottom of the can on the left.  The can on the right contained a lot of earwigs.