
Monday, August 26, 2024

Wash Bedding

What I/we, today:

1.  Removed the sheets and pillowcases to have them washed.

 2.  Fixed breakfast. 

 3.  Put the sheets and pillowcases back on the beds.

 4. Watched some the channel 44 TV shows.  Added a half quart of oil to the car engine.  Picked up the         mail.

 5.  Drove to Fillmore for gas, groceries, and greeting cards.

 6.  watched more TV.  Carol fixed tomato, bacon and tomato sandwiches

 7,  watered some of the garden.

 8.  watered more garden.

 9.  watered peach tree.

10. watered baskets on the porch and front yard.  Warmups of squash and potatoes.  Fed kitchen scraps        to chickens.

These are the kitchen scraps.  They are mainly squash and watermelon.
There are mainly crookneck squash flower buds for male and female flowers.

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