
Monday, August 12, 2024

Rain and More Rain

The first thing after breakfast I began to dig out all of the weeds in the dahlia garden.  It was a big job.  There was milkweeds, grasses, spurge and others.  I raked them up and put them in a compost pile. Then I watered the corn.  The water master called and told me that I can take the water in the morning.  The truck wouldn't start because of a dead battery. I out the charger on for 45 minutes.  It started up.  I took my weedeater up to the ditch and cleaned the ditch.

We fed the six kittens.  I tried to get them all in the same pan but when I opened the back porch do the kittens scattered.
Here is the photo of the dahlia garden.  
It started to rain and it rained some more.  This is the front sidewalk covered with water..
The rainwater is pouring off the roof,
The rain splashed mud on yellow crookneck summer squash.  Then it started to hail,  The hailstones were much larger than a pea.
The bell peppers really took a beating. 

This is the truck with the battery charger on the bumper.  The charger is hooked to the battery.    We are going to the Payson temple in the morning.  I arranged with two other water users to take the water when we get back home at noon.

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