
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Back to Linden

We were up early this morning.  After breakfast we drove to Linden.  Traffic got a little heavy when we got to Provo.  We picked up Miles and Nyleen Batty and made our way to the Timpanogos temple.  I found a parking place which was a short walk to the front door.  

After the session was over I walked out to the parking lot to get the car.  While there I stepped on the lawn in front of the car and took a picture of the temple.

After the session we went back to the Batty house, Nyleen made us a sack lunch that we ate on the way home.  On the way home we stopped at the Deseret bookstore.  Carol bought a book that contained all of the conference talks for last year.   We then went straight home.   It was 2:30 when we drove into the garage.  After changing clothes, I started watering the flowers.

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