
Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 What I/we, today:

1. Made new batch of old fashion oatmeal mush.

2. fed the cats/kittens.

3, drove to Fillmore to see Doctor Gross.  He cleaned the wax out of ears.  I went first and set on the exam table.  I was sitting on the table for a half hour.  I could watch the whole thing whole by watching the images on his phone.  At times it was very painful.

4.  Carol got on the exam table.  Her ears were not as bad as mine.  She handled the pain much better than I did.

5.  We stopped at the Fillmore market.  Carol bought a bottle of corn oil,

6.  We stopped at the driver office.  It was closed, but will be open tomorrow.

7.  We stopped at the drug store.  Carol bought four birthday cards.  She paid with a $20 dollar bill; The clerk gave back change.  They made a mistake and didn't give her back the right amount, she was shorted some.

8.  One the way home we stopped at the post office.  There was no mail.

9.  We had warms for lunch.

10.  Carol made two loaves of zucchini bread.  I helped some by chopping the walnuts.

11, This afternoon I started to water the front lawn and east lawn.  

12. Tonight, I went out to water the corn.  I watered the zucchini and crookneck squash plants, I didn't water the corn.  Today I couldn't find one ear of corn,  The grasshoppers ate most of the corn tassels.

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