
Monday, August 19, 2024

More Puncture Weeds

It was 6;20 when I got up this morning.   I turned on the morning news and started breakfast.  After breakfast I watched the channel 44 programs.  At eleven we took the house garbage to the dump.  It was all in one large black garbage bag. We also took a large white bucket full of puncture weed that I dug up last Saturday. 

The above photo is from last Saturday.    On the way home we stopped at the post office and picked up the mail.  

After lunch I walked out to greenhouse five, some of the pepper plants were doing well. I looked into house two There were lots of puncture weed in house two.  I dug up all of them, there were more in house one.  I dug them up.  North of house one there were more puncture weeds.  I dug them up and made small piles.   I took them to the dump.  There were other people there.  A teenager boy came over and offered to help me.  He took my bucket of puncture weeds and dumped them in the dumpster. 
The above photo shows several plants and makes itlook like there was only one.
Somebody sprayed weed killer on the puncture weeds.  They are dead.

I picked sweet corn for supper.  Carol boils it for ten minutes.  It is very good.   I put olive oil in a small tuna fish can, to catch earwigs.

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