
Friday, August 2, 2024

Very Busy

I try to get up most mornings at 6:20.   This I did.  Carol was up a little later.  I fixed breakfast and ate the last bowel of old fashion oatmeal mush.  Making new batch in the morning.   As soon as breakfast was over, I went to work in the garden.  I skipped the morning TV shows.  I wanted to work in the garden before it got hot.  There is a bunch of tomato plants that are getting quite big and I wanted to train them to climb a string.

I pruned this tomato plant, It shows the tomato clips attached to the bottom of the tomato plants.
This shows the row of tomato plants.  Each plant has two branches.
The topaz melons are getting bigger.  This one is a little larger than a softball.
The smoke in the west if creating beautiful sunsets.  The sun is on its way down.
Some of the last planted sweet corn is showing tassel.
This photo shows the tomato clips.
Crookneck squash is coming nicely.  I poured grasshopper bait along this row of summer squash.
I made a lot of tomato hooks.  These are hooked to zip ties
This shows a bucket with a lot of tomato hooks.

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