
Sunday, August 4, 2024

Fast Sunday

No after breakfast this morning because it was fast Sunday.   Carol put some of the Sunday dinner in the oven.  It was mostly potatoes and a sweet potato wrapped in aluminum foil.  I set the temperature, the start time and the finish time.  I then made some tapioca pudding.  I then worked on my posting comments and photos from yesterday.   We got ready for church and then we went to church.  It was fast and testimony meeting.  The testimonies were not inspiring, one person who was not a member of the ward gave a talk instead of bearing his testimony.  I didn't time it, but I am sure that it was at least ten minutes.  Most were listing a number of things that they were thankful for.  Sunday school lesson was much better.  The teacher did a good job.  The same person made a lot of lengthy comments.  

We had a good dinner.   This evening, I watered plants in the garden. and those on the front porch.  More TV until we went to bed.

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