
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

Gas & Groceries

After breakfast and after watching the morning TV shows, we drove to Fillmore.  We filled up the car with gas.  We stopped at the Fillmore Market and bought some groceries.

This morning, I didn't plan cutting corn stalks.  When I walked out to the south garden; with my shovel I started digging corn stalks.  I went down the row of corn stalks just north of the summer squash.  The above picture is looking east.  The corn stalks were to the left of the summer squash.
This picture is looking west.  A lot off weeds.
Our sofa is wearing out and has a lot of holes and tears in the couch.  This evening, we covered the holes with clear packing tape, I watered the geraniums, the lawn east of the front sidewalk and most of the east lawn.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Trip to Richfield

Upon time this morning.  I started the cat food and then I started to make the old fashion oatmeal mush.   After breakfast we watched some of the morning TV shows.  There was no mail this morning.  Soon we left for Richfield where I had a doctor's appointment.  Our car started to slow as we approached the Scipio summit.  We just barely made into Scipio.  The car started to go again. We were a half hour early.  A nurse checked us in and did the preliminary things.  Such as blood pressure, weight, height and so forth.  The doctor came in and explained all sorts of things.  On the way home we stopped at Flying J for gas.  We then drove to Salina and stopped at the Top Spot something to eat.  While there we met some people that new people that we knew.  After a short visit we went home.  I picked tomatoes for the harvest dinner at the church.  We had a good dinner and then came home.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Normal Morning

I was up early enough to watch the morning news.   I prepared the cat food for the cats and kittens.  Carol showered and did her hair.  I prepared breakfast.  After breakfast I watched the morning TV shows, that is most of the shows.  I went to sleep and mist some of the details.  After lunch I worked in the garden.  I watered the squash and tomato plants.

I dug up a row of corn. I was able to walk on the north side of the crook neck and zucchini squash.
I dug up a lot of sweet corn and removed the corn cobs.  I gave some cobs of corn to the chickens, and put the rest in the fridge.
The garlic cloves I planted a couple of weeks ago is coming up.  They are covered by this welled wire to keep the cats from pooping in the garlic bed.
Desert four O'clock are loaded with beautiful flowers.
Another picture showing the flowers and dried up grass stems.
This is a beautiful group of flowers. 
The toilet tank ran over.  I put a container under the leaking water to keep the water from running on the floor.

Monday, September 23, 2024

A Busy Monday

I was up in time to watch the morning news.   We fed the cats.   This Monday morning, we washed the bedding from both beds.  Carol did her sheets first and mine second.  We had breakfast while the bedding was washed and dried.  I turned on the morning TV shows and was able to watch parts.  During this time, we made the beds.  It was eleven when I watered all of the indoor plants.  Carol got the mail.  She also took some summer squash to the post office.  Carol made us sandwiches for lunch.  I called the gas company and asked them to turn on the gas for the greenhouses.  They are going to turn it on tomorrow.  

Several months ago I ordered a service that cost about $12 a month.  It would allow me to watch the BYU football games.  BYU games were not available however there were other collage games.  I went to the State Bank in Fillmore and asked Kimberly if she would help me remove this service.  She and I were on the phone with several different people for over an hour.  We finally got someone to turn it off. I then went to the Dollar store and bought four quarts of motor oil.  Carol gave me a list of items that she wanted me to get at the Fillmore Market.  I then drove home.

We watched TV the rest of the evening.

This morning and yesterday morning the water was running on the floor.  I got a large towel and wiped up the water.   I watched several You Tube videos for ways to fix it.  They were not helpful.  There is a screw that I tightened.  That seemed to fix.  I left the lid of the tank off for the rest of the day.  We flushed the toilet several times and it seemed to work okay.  This evening, I put a large container below the tank to catch any water if it started to leak during the night.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Saturday & Fast Sunday

No breakfast because it was fast Sunday.  I read the priesthood meeting lesson while Carol was preparing Sunday dinner.  Also, there was no choir practice this morning because fast Sunday.  Many that bore testimony turned out to be talks because they were long.  Another person listed the many things for which he was thank.  The person who gave priesthood lesson did a really good.  We came home for a good dinner.  We just finished dinner when the doorbell rang.  A man from California was at the door.  He had bought native plants from several years ago.  We don't do that anymore.  I did break off two pups from a large barrel cactus.  I showed him some of the interesting native plants that are growing in our yard.   He said he would bring us some from his area when he comes this way again. 

I found this hawk in our garden a couple of days ago.  It had a lot of maggots growing in it.
Robert was here yesterday.  He helped me fix this leaking faucet.  We had to go to Fillmore to get a couple of knobs.
Robert brought some small trees and planted them south of greenhouse six.
This is probably the last topaz melon.
A large bell pepper that is turning red.  

Friday, September 20, 2024

Second Trip

It was about 7:30 when we drove to Fillmore Hospital.  I had to return the large specimen container full of urine that I had collected over a twenty-four-hour period of time.

It rained some early this morning.  It was just enough to wet the front sidewalk.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Busy Day

After breakfast we watched the TV shows.

The peaches in the orchard are falling of the tree.  I put this plastic out a couple of weeks ago.  The peaches are still bruised.  
Here is a nice clump of peaches.  They have a nice color.  The peaches are about the size as tennis balls.
The chickens are out of lay pellets.  I put a lot of lay pellets in their feeder.
A clump of alpha with their blue blossoms.  
I took the peaches to the post office.  There were two summer squashes left over from yesterday.
I filled this nursey pot with peaches from our orchard.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Bottled Tomatoes

After breakfast Carol started peeling the tomatoes that I picked yesterday.  She would cut off the blemishes.  She then put the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute or two. Next, she easily pulls off peel.  

In the first picture she removes the peel and put the tomato in a quart bottle.  The picture below shows six quarts of tomatoes.  

I tried to get the pictures in order but was not successful.  The above picture off the ditch, I cut down the grass and weeds with the weed eater.

Monday, September 16, 2024


 I got up this morning about a half hour earlier than usual.  I wanted to bring up some of yesterdays posting up to date.  Carol showered.  I got the cat food ready and gave it to the cats.  I fixed breakfast.  After breakfast we watched most of the morning TV shows.  I got several phone calls.  An office of the town board wanted an up date of some work that I did.  I 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Saturday & Sunday


Carol started off the morning by preparing the peaches for bottling.  While she was doing this, I was getting breakfast.  After breakfast I put about ten peaches in boiling water.  After they had boiled for five minutes, we put them in a pan, and she would remove the peels and the pits and the peach into a pint bottle.  Most were easy to remove.  We continued this process until we were finished.  We took the casserole to the church.  It was hot, we put it on a large cooky pan and took it to church.

Here are the finished pint wit a date label.
Here they are in a wrack ready to be put in boiling water.
Carol is removing the peach peel.  


I was up at my usual time this morning.  After breakfast I made some tapioca pudding.  When I finished with that, I got ready for church.  I had choir practice at nine.  Carol drove me up to the church for practice.  I was the first man there.  A little later more members of the choir arrived.  It was the most choir members that we have had.  We had a good practice.  I set down next to Carol who was already there.  Next to her was Alisha Bills.  Two missionaries were there.  I couldn't hear the first missionary. but second one spoke little louder.  A member of the stake high council was the last speaker who did a good job.  We, Carol and I, couldn't hear the Sunday school teacher.  We came home to a good Sunday donner.  
I picked these summer squash this morning.  We watched Sunday TV.  We took a drive around town.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Busy Wife

I was up on time this morning.  I showered, dressed and picked up my electric raiser.  I pushed the on button and it began to work.  I then shaved.  Carol got up and began to prepare for canning peaches.  I got the kitten dish ready the kittens.  I started breakfast.  Yesterday, I put the household garbage in the car.  We took it to the dump and then drove to Fillmore.  We gassed up the car.  bought tomato paste at the market, got Carol's prescription, picked up some parts for the leaky faucet in the tub and then we drove home.  

Heree are peaches and spaghetti sauce all in the bottle.  It took me a long-time to figure how get the labels printed.
It was hard to remove the peel off the peaches.  We put some peaches on the dryer and will peel them some other day. 
Here Carol is putting some peaches in boiling water.
The parts for the tub.

We took the summer squash to the share the bounty at the post office.  Carol boiled a bunch of potatoes.  She made funeral potatoes for the funeral tomorrow, after they were finished, she covered the dish with aluminon foil and put the tray in the fridge.