
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Saturday & Fast Sunday

No breakfast because it was fast Sunday.  I read the priesthood meeting lesson while Carol was preparing Sunday dinner.  Also, there was no choir practice this morning because fast Sunday.  Many that bore testimony turned out to be talks because they were long.  Another person listed the many things for which he was thank.  The person who gave priesthood lesson did a really good.  We came home for a good dinner.  We just finished dinner when the doorbell rang.  A man from California was at the door.  He had bought native plants from several years ago.  We don't do that anymore.  I did break off two pups from a large barrel cactus.  I showed him some of the interesting native plants that are growing in our yard.   He said he would bring us some from his area when he comes this way again. 

I found this hawk in our garden a couple of days ago.  It had a lot of maggots growing in it.
Robert was here yesterday.  He helped me fix this leaking faucet.  We had to go to Fillmore to get a couple of knobs.
Robert brought some small trees and planted them south of greenhouse six.
This is probably the last topaz melon.
A large bell pepper that is turning red.  

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