
Monday, September 23, 2024

A Busy Monday

I was up in time to watch the morning news.   We fed the cats.   This Monday morning, we washed the bedding from both beds.  Carol did her sheets first and mine second.  We had breakfast while the bedding was washed and dried.  I turned on the morning TV shows and was able to watch parts.  During this time, we made the beds.  It was eleven when I watered all of the indoor plants.  Carol got the mail.  She also took some summer squash to the post office.  Carol made us sandwiches for lunch.  I called the gas company and asked them to turn on the gas for the greenhouses.  They are going to turn it on tomorrow.  

Several months ago I ordered a service that cost about $12 a month.  It would allow me to watch the BYU football games.  BYU games were not available however there were other collage games.  I went to the State Bank in Fillmore and asked Kimberly if she would help me remove this service.  She and I were on the phone with several different people for over an hour.  We finally got someone to turn it off. I then went to the Dollar store and bought four quarts of motor oil.  Carol gave me a list of items that she wanted me to get at the Fillmore Market.  I then drove home.

We watched TV the rest of the evening.

This morning and yesterday morning the water was running on the floor.  I got a large towel and wiped up the water.   I watched several You Tube videos for ways to fix it.  They were not helpful.  There is a screw that I tightened.  That seemed to fix.  I left the lid of the tank off for the rest of the day.  We flushed the toilet several times and it seemed to work okay.  This evening, I put a large container below the tank to catch any water if it started to leak during the night.

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