
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Dead and Empty

Yesterday I bought strawberry and asparagus plants.  I wanted to but them in 3.5 inch pots.  I opened and emptied the asparagus bag and the only thing in the bag was potting soil.
That was pretty disappointing.  There should have been three asparagus in the bag.  Regular price was $3.00 and it was on sale at Walmart for half price.
The everbearing strawberry plants were also half price.  The strawberry plants were held together with a rubber band.  I took off the rubber band there was not one live plant in the first bag or the other two bags.  Another disappointment.
I started to pull up the carrots in the raised bed that were there all winter.  That wasn't working well so I dug them up with a shovel.  A couple of days ago I dug into the west compost pile.  I was pulling up the weed and found the compost.
The carrots were small and probably not very tasty.  I put them on the east compost pile.
I filled a # 5 nursery can three times and dumped it on the raised bed.
I spaded the soil inside the raised bed mixing in the compost.  With the stirrup hoe I broke up the clods.  
Next job is to plant new carrots.  I mixed a tablespoon of seeds in vermiculite hoping distribute the seeds on the raised bed.  I drilled holes in the lid of a plastic mayonnaise jar.   I mixed the vermiculite and seeds together.  I could shake out the mix over the raised bed putting salt and pepper on a plate of food.  The holes are two small.  I enlarged the holes with a 3/16 inch bit.  The holes are still to small.  I then used a 1/4 inch bit and made a few knew holes.  This time it was easy to shake out the mix.
I patted down the soil so the seeds would germinate faster.  I watered it well with the hose and water breaker.

Elisha came over and put the seeds in a zip bag with a couple sheets of paper towels.  She also bought two large golden current bushes.
I needed a way to water some things in house six without unhooking the drip feed hose.  I cut the PVC pipe with a jigsaw.  I then cut off about two inches of pipe.  I then glued in the inch tee with a 3/4 inch exit.   Then a short nipple and an 3/4 inch ell.  Next was attaching the short pipe to the ell and clamping the other end to the door frame.
Screwing the hose bib to the pipe completed the job.  I found short hose and now I can water the strawberry plants.

My laptop computer that I am using now wasn't working very well.  I made several phone calls and got someone to come.  I waited in the house for him to come.  I left for a couple of minutes and someone called and left a message.  I couldn't understand the phone number.  I listed to it five or six times, and still could figure what the number was.  I messed around the phone and finally found the number.  I pushed the dial button and then was able to call him.  He was here in a couple of minutes.  To make a long story a little shorter, he put in a new router and now my laptop is working so much better.
I received a call from Penny's.  He said that my weed whip was ready.  I drove to Fillmore and brought it back.  I trimmed the lawn making it ready for mowing tomorrow.
As I left Fillmore, I took a couple of pictures of the progress at the Rock Canyon State bank.  They are building a fence on the south side and on the east side.  They are also building a parking lot. 
 There is a pile of lumber in front.
I took a tray of geraniums to Karen Bennett.
I bout fertilizer yesterday.  I cleaned the fertilizer tank and dumped it in and filled it with water.  I watered everything with the fertilizer.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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