
Friday, February 14, 2020

Photo & Miter Stand

Quite a morning.  After breakfast and during the news I spent some time on face book.  There was a picture of our nine month old granddaughter.  She is the daughter of Maison and Dalston Wells.
Carol wanted a picture Reese Wells to hang on the fridge with some of our other grandkids and great grandkids..  I worked on that for two hours trying to print the photo.   I could copy the photo, but when I wanted to print it, I could not find the then folder where the file was placed.  I put it in several other folder.  Finally I found it, but the printer would not work.  I messed around with the printer and it eventually it was printed.
The above photo shows where I finished with my miter saw stand.  There are two pieces of plywood to support the wood while being cut.  One on the left and one on the right.  The were at an angle and it was hard to make them level with the face of the saw.
I was thinking about it during the early morning while lying in bed.  I cut a short 2x4 and attached a narrow piece plywood to the flat edge of the 2x4.  I drilled a hole at each end of the plywood which I could then screw it to the top of the miter table.
I also put a piece of plywood under the miter saw.  There is a short leg of foot on the front of the saw at each end.   I put lag screw and washer and screwed it into the table.  I had to carefully trim the 2x4's so they would be the same height of the saw face.  I did it several times, just a little bit at a time.

I still had some time before i needed to go in the house.  I removed some of the junk.  I took three boxes of wood over to my neighbor, Carl Remkes.  He uses them to heat his shop during the winter..  I used a scraper to clean up the garage floor which is covered with dust and saw dust.
I got out my shop vacuum and cleaned the floor.  I should have blown the dust off all of the bench tops.  That will be another time.  I dumped the tank on the garden blew the dust off the filter.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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