
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Cold Day

The lost round saw blade is found.

There are people in Holden with tractors that push the snow off of driveways.  I thought that when we got home from the temple that our driveway would be clear of snow.  It wasn't.  Carol and I got the shovels and started on our long driveway.  We cleaned about 2/3's of the driveway.
The temperature has been below freezing since last night. I ice has grown much larger.  The next few picture are of the same ice, but from different angles.

 Yesterday in house two, Robert and Frank buried some cat food cans in the soil and filled them with beer.  Twenty-four hours later then had attracted slugs.  Two had twelve slugs in it the other one had caught six slugs.  There were no snails.
I covered the slug bait with a butter tub placed upsided down.  I put them on when watering.
 I filled these plug cells with potting soil.  The one above is planted with Leeks.  One seed per cell.
 Above is a small tray of curl-leaf parsley.  One seed per cell.
Here is a group of them on the heating pad.
Transplanted  Tasmanian Chocolate Tomato.  These were planted 2 February 2018
Lettuce that was not transplanted yesterday.  It is perking up a little.  Water every day.
I took some hen scratch to  our black hen and discovered that the water pan was frozen solid.  I took it out to house two to thaw out.  There was a large night-crawler under the water contain.  Black hen quickly grabbed it and down it went.
 I got a a gallon of hot water from the house and poured in on the hose bib and PVC stub.  It took about half of the water.  It water began to flow.  I turned the volume down.  The hen was glad to get a drink.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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