
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Peas, Melons, & Watermelons

I locked up the chickens every night and let them out each morning.  This morning I found our first egg.  It was small and I ate it for breakfast.  After breakfast we picked the peas.  Not as much this time as our first picking last week.  Carol shelled all of them.  They are a little older, but are in the freezer.

I planted an watered more sweet corn in the north garden.  .
Yesterday, I made rows for the watermelons and Topaz melons.  I planted them after lunch.  It was pretty hot.  Above is a row of Topaz melons.  Below is two rows of watermelons.  They were watered right after.  They look pretty good.

Above is a photo of one planting of the Crimson Sweet watermelon.  It has been growing in a tray outside.
Above photo is of the Topaz melon.
I mowed the lawn in the late afternoon.  I drained the oil and it looked like it was mostly gasoline.  I filled a quart bottle and about a cup left over.  The lawnmower worked pretty good.  I stopped to dump the grass catcher.  It took awhile before it got up to normal power.  I did a little trimming with the weed whip.

I worked in house one and six.  I did a lot of weeding.  The weeds in house one are well under control.  I have been on hands and knees with a little hoe getting most of the weeds.  I also hung a lot of tomato plants in house six.  No watering today in house six and one.  Some of the weeds need to have 48 hours to dry.

Everyday there are more cucumbers to pick.  I picked six, wrapped then and put them in the fridge.  The tomatoes in house six are getting ripe.

This is a picture of part of pad one.  Yesterday I cleaned an area for watering plants in  #1 pots.  During the night pad one was flooded which happens every third day.  I put on my boots and checked it this morning.  The water was about two inches deep which gave all the plants there a good soaking.  This evening I was putting out some snail and slug bait.  There will be plenty of snails out there which I haven't done any snail control for a long time.  I started to clean a way some of the mud and other sediments that have accumulated.  It was more than one inch deep.  I used a square nosed shovel.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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