
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dug Potatoes and More Cleaning

Started out this morning picking tomatoes, egg plants, peppers.  The tomatoes and egg plants came from house one.  The peppers came from house six.  and by the way the tomato and pepper plants in house six sustained heavy frost damage.
 There were more peppers than I thought.  There is a bunch left.

There were a whole lot of egg plants in house six.  I used pruners to cut the egg plants free.
I paid some bills.  We drove to Fillmore for a few groceries and made a deposit at the bank and credit union.

We have about ten rows of potatoes.  Actually they are Roberts potatoes.  He planted quite a few different potato varieties.  We started digging a purple skin potato.  They are so small.  We moved over a row and dug the Yukon Gold potatoes.  When we were finished with the row, we had a bucketful.  A fuzzy photo.
There are a lot of Armeian cucumbers in Robert's garden.  I gathered them up.
I cut the roots loose and started to pull them.  I pulled them into the wheelbarrow.
The wheelbarrow was pretty heavy..
The new compost pile with the cucumbers on top.
How it looked after the cleaning.
I finished the day removing the tomato clips from the burpless cucumbers.  The plants need to dry more to remove the vines from the cages.

Comments and questions are welcomed

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