
Monday, December 18, 2017

Lumber Rack is Finished

It was about 8:30 when I started working in the garage.  I finished the four components of the rack Saturday morning.  I took the picture this morning.
All the lumber in the southwest corner of the garage was laid down on the middle of the garage floor near the north door.  Of course, I had to back the car out of the garage and leave it on the driveway.  
The picture is a little fuzzy, but here is the lumber.  The black garbage bags at the front of the picture holds the cushions for the outdoor furniture. 
I moved the four components and put them on the lumber.  Here they are upside down, but I had them right side up and facing to the left and to the right.  I didn't move them all, but only moved one.  When I had it the way that I wanted, I brought the other three out, and lined them up.  I spaced them eighteen inches apart, and used a strip of wood to hole them in place.  Before I move it to the wall I cut a piece of 1/2 inch plywood ten inches wide.  I attached it to the rack just above the fourth arm.  By my self I lifted the top end and was able to stand it up right.  With a spirit level I got it plumb.  With a small strip of plywood I braced it.  I drilled holes and put screws into the ten inch wide plywood and attached it two the rack.  The drug it the corner.  
  The next thing was to drill three holes through the plywood in front of each stud.  I then screwed it to the wall.
I put the heavy 16 foot 8/4 inch oak boards on the bottom arm and the one inch oak on the next arm. When we were in American Fork, I did a lot of yard work.  I cut down a big spruce tree and had it sawed into lumber.  It way dry now and is on the top arm.  There were some long 2x4's that I put on the third arm.  There were a lot of short pieces of oak that rested on two arms.  It is done, finished, completed.
There are a lot of short small boards that are two to four feet long.  I am going to make a box that will hold the pieces in a vertical position.  

Comments and questions are welcome.

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