
Saturday, June 22, 2019

An Unplanned Event Again

Today is Saturday and I have three TV show that I watch every Saturday.  The last several times have been reruns.  Today, they were all new.  I did the watering before breakfast and took the garbage out to the dumpster before the show was to start.  Carol was picking peas so I went out to help.  We picked a nice batch from the vines in our garden.  I missed the first ten minutes of the first show.

Carol was cleaning the patio.  I got the blower and she blew off all the leaves and stuff.   She said that she would then clean off the steps that went down to the crawl space under our house.  I got a large flat edge shovel and began to remove the leaves and dirt that has accumulated of the last two years.  There were a lot of worms in the rotting leaves and dirt.  I scooped up a bunch in the shovel and took it out to the chickens.  I thought the chickens would grab those large night crawlers and run, but they were pretty cautious.  The above photo shows mostly cleaned steps.
I put them in a blue tub and put is on the flat wheelbarrow and took them out to the compost pile.  I thought that the worms would help in the decomposition of the compost.
I took a shovelful to the compost pile in the north end of house two.
Carol did a good job at cleaning the patio.
Before lunch I transplanted about fifty eggplants on the north side of house six.  There are two rows of plants north of the post on the right.  The first row are pepper plants that are doing well.  The second row are the egg plants.
I mowed the lawn and walked past the Perityle stansburyi plant.  It will soon be blooming.

After lunch I mowed the lawn.  I am getting pretty good mowing the lawn with the new mower.  I like to make my lines straight.  It took me a little over two hours to mow and trim.
When that was over I cut the weeds next to the road north of the greenhouses one, two, and three.  I gassed up twice and replaced the cutting string twice.
I found these orange foxtail lilies north of house one against the fence.  I haven't been back there for nearly two monthsl
The last thing in the garden is the planting of some watermelon.  I ran the tiller up and down an old row and made a new row and put in the watermelon plants.

It has been unusually cold for this time of the year.  We haven't turned on the AC this year.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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