
Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Day to be Thankful

What I posted on Facebook the first thing this morning:  "What a beautiful day! A list of some of my THANKS:  Jesus Christ, Prophets, Scriptures, Temple blessings, Wonderful wife/sweetheart/best friend, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, Parents, Brothers and sisters, Friends, Home, Gardens, This part of the world. etc. and etc. and etc.  And  the police, doctors, nurses, those that keep the highways clear, and those that provide football games" 

We had planned to drive to Eagle Mountain this morning.  It hadn't snowed any during the night, but as it began to get light it started to snow.  We decided not to go.  We watched the Macy Parade.  The marching bands were the main thing that I enjoyed.  There was a lot of singing by different artists.  Most of them were just noise to me.  There were a few that sang the traditional Christmas songs or hymns.  

Carol made five or six pies.  I took one of them to our good friends, Jim and Carol Masner.  They did not answer the door when I rang the doorbell.  I set the pie and Dream Whip on the floor between the storm door and the door to their house.  They called just after I got home and invited us to dinner at two.  I was watching two shows at the same time.  The Macey Parade and a football game.  Later it was the Dog Show and the football game.  When that was over, it was time for lunch.

They prepared the food.  Turkey, dressing, salad, yams, and gravy.  We had pie for desert.  We visited for a while and then went home.  I took a pie for Richard Darnell.

Later in the evening we made sandwiches with some of the left over turkey.

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