
Saturday, December 21, 2019

No Pressure

Each morning when I get up, I turn the thermostat to 72, weigh my self and drink full glass of water.  I let the water run until it gets warm.  I don't like cold water.  It takes too long to drink.  I can drink warm water quickly.  There was not much water pressure and it took a much longer to fill the glass.  There wasn't much water pressure when I showered.

I read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and then a chapter in the New Testament.  Carol started water for her bath and noticed the same lack of water pressure.  The thought that came to me was a water pipe had broken in one of the greenhouses.  I started my mush and then went under the house to see if one of the water pipes had broken.  The water pipes were okay.  As soon as it was light after breakfast I walked out to the greenhouses and found water in house three and water spraying in house two.  The door was locked and I couldn't get in to shut it off.

Back in the house I called Adam Remkes, no answer.  I left a message.  Carol told me to call again and again no answer, and again I left a message.  He lives four or five blocks away, so I drove to his house.  I could see them through a large front widow.  Adam came to the door as soon as I rang the bell.  I came home and went back to the house two.  He had opened the door and shut off the spraying water.

We loaded the car with presents, and food in a two coolers.  We were going to Eagle Mountain to a family Christmas party.  Everyone family was two bring some soup.  Carol made a large slow cooker full Taco Soup.  It is served with sour cream, cheese, and corn chips.  It was about 8:15 when we left.  We had to make several stops on the way.  The are listed without comment as follows:  Payson Wal Mart, Sam's Club, Bed Bath and Beyond, Miles and Nyleen's house,  Linda and Merrill Slater's home, and then Eagle Mountain where April and Eric Johnson were hosting a Christmas party.  Following are some photos: There was not much light so some are out of focus.

We had a good time.  We brought Christmas Presents that we delivered to our children, grand children and great grandchildren.  We even picked up a few for us.  We then drove home.  On the way home we stopped in Orem where Robert and Jeanne lives.  We left some present them.

We then headed for home.  Our last stop was at Wal Mart where we filled the car with gas.  There were a lot of people lined up for gas.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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