
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hail and Irrigation Damage

It got pretty cold last night and there was some frost on the top of the garage.  This morning, I walked out to the garden to see if there was any frost damage.  There wasn't any but the rain, hail, and irrigation left some plants completely covered with mud.  I took a bunch of pictures.  There is not enough information to tell the exact location of each photo.
Some are washed and others are not washed.  I used a spray bottle for the small plants and a watering can for the larger plants.  Most of the larger ones are tomato plants.

This shows a Topaz melon at the far right and volunteer melon plants.  They will be hoed out soon.
This is the pile of compost.

This afternoon I went to Dearden's in Fillmore to have the car serviced.  It was finished after forty-five minutes.  That is the fastest that it has been done for me.  While I was there, Wade Lemon called wanting some help his plant propagation.  I asked him to come and get me.  I looked out the window and the our car had been moved.  I called him back and cancelled my request.  I was soon home.  He was getting buckets of recycled potting soil.    His truck was backed into our driveway.  I got in with him in his truck and we stopped in his backyard.  He had a lot of different native plants on the north side of a shed and more on the inside.  Most were doing really pretty good.

Carol and I went for our evening drive around Holden.

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