
Monday, October 5, 2020

Cleaning & Pruning

Carol had several little jobs for me after breakfast.  First, I watered the house plants.  We do that every Monday morning.  The first job was to clean the fridge.  I removed one case of bottles water and set it on the car.  And all of the bottles of water  that were loose and put them on the the workbench.  Ann, our neighbor to the west, put a large pot of tomato sauce.  The fridge was pretty dirty.  I don't think it has been cleaned since we got it.  Robert gave it to us when he moved.  I washed the shelf that I couldn't remove and the bottom, sides, and the door with soap and water.

I took out two of shelves and washed them on the back lawn.  I sprayed them with the hose and washed them a tote of soapy water.  They were really dirty which took a lot of scrubbing to get them clean.  I rinsed the with the hose.  I took the smaller one into the house and washed it in the sink.
Here is the clean fridge with the two different brands of water.
I examined this Crimson  Sweet watermelon almost every day for the last month to see if it were ripe.  There is a tendril  on both sides of the stem.  If they are dry it means that the watermelon is ripe.   

I cut it in the early afternoon.  Surprise!  It was ripe and really sweet.
I picked the Blue Lake pole beans.  Here is another surprise.  The above photo shows beans hang hanging all over.  I picked up and back on both sides of the tunnel.  I then picked on the outsides up and back.  The double checking I found more beans.

There are three places in the garden where I am growing Blue Lake bush beans.    I coverer them up every night to protect them from the deer that are in the garden every night.   
The container on the left are from the bush beans and the bucket on the right, nearly half full are from the tunnel trellis.  We gave them to Ann Stephenson.
I picked a lot of zucchini and a few cucumbers.  After I washed them I took them to the post office.  I took the picture at noon and all that was left was  a couple of cucumbers and a couple of zucchini.

In the early afternoon we drove to Fillmore where we bought some groceries.  We were gone for less than an hour.
We got a letter from the town board instructing us to remove tree branches that were close to the power cable.  The large ash tree and the lilac tree had branches that needed to be cut off. I leaned the step ladder against the tree and climb close to the top with my electric chain saw.  I was able to cut off three limbs off the ash tree and put them in the back of the truck.  
Shane England paid the rent and he helped me put my radial arm saw on top of the saw pedestal. 
It took two ladders to cut off the branches on the lilac.  I used the stepladder for a lower dead branch.  And the extension ladder to cut of the branch that was in the way of the power line.  I went up and down the ladder several time before I got the saw up there and then up and down several times pull down the branch that was caught by the power wire.  The cable wire follows the power wire.

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