
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Moving the Dracaena

 I watched a couple of the wood working shows and then started digging up the Dracaena.

I started digging up the tall Dracaena.  I put pieces of plywood on both sides.   Each shovel full of soil was put on the plywood.  I dug quite a while before I was able to tip it over and roll it out of the hole.  I got the two wheel ed cart, I put it on the cart, but couldn't it was to heavy for me to lift it up.
Justin Smith was working in the hemp.  I asked him to help me.  He picked it up and pull it to the driveway and then pushed it into the garage.  The Dracaena was so tall that it is wedge against the ceiling and leaning against the workbench.  The photo is fuzzy.  
By now it is lunch time.  I picked seven or eight ears of corn.  Carol ate one and I ate three.  It tasted so good.
Here the Hemp crew is harvesting the hem.  There has been a bunch of people working there all day long and into the evening.
I prepared the carrots for the winter by cutting off most of the tops of the carrots.
Another view.  A close look with reveal the carrots.
Here are the ones that I dug.  I took them into the house.  I washed them twice and cut of the rest of the tops.  Carol put them in a zip bag and put them in the fridge.
I walked past the Big Tooth maple tree.  The leaves most yellow and a careful look will reveal some reddish leaves.
I dug the potatoes.  There weren't as many as I had hopped.  The crate on the left holds the larger potatoes and then one on the right has the smaller ones.
The fire marshal told us to prune the ash tree and the lilac tree.  I pruned them some last week.  When he was here reading the meter, he instructed me cut off more branches.  I cut off one large branch.  There were a couple of more branches that needed cutting off.  I got several ladders and asked Dustin to help me.  One heavy branch would fall on the  power line.  I put the ladder against the branch and he tied one end of a piece of heavy twine to a crotch.  I pulled on it while he cut off the branch  
I backed the truck into the drives way and loaded them into the truck.   I had to cut some into smaller pieces.
The last picture of the day shows the back lawn cleaned up.

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