
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Trip to Provo

5 May 2021 Tuesday

I got the irrigation water this morning at nine.  I put most of the pipes in order last night and finished this morning.  There water was there right on time.  I let it run down the ditch to the Dearden's so most of the needles, cones, and other junk was washed down the ditch.  I then put the gate in and ran water towards our pipe.  I kept the weeds out of the ditch with the pitch fork.  I hurried to the end of the pipe that goes into our neighbor's yard and let it run some.  I went back and forth to the main gate and our yard to keep the screens free of dead plant material.  I watered the east lawn at the same time I was watering the west lawn.  Then I watered the backyard lawn and some of the front lawn.

Cleaner water was running into our neighbor's yard.  I can't put a cap on it until the water pressure is lessened.  I put the cap on and then went back up to the head ditch sent the water in our direction.  
Here is where I would raise the gate or put the gate back down.  Here I but the gate down to send the water to our yard.
Once in our yard I would run it in pipes to water our lawn.  The photo is east of the house.
Here the water is running west of the garage.  It is running against the garage foundation.  It runs west across the grass to the garden.
I founds six dahlia tubers in the garage.  We planted them in the dahlia garden.
I cut a lot of rhubarb.  Carol cooked it for a sweet treat.
I dug a ditch in front of the curbing east of the sidewalk.  The water run there and watered part of the lawn that doesn't get watered by our irrigation water.  
Water is running of the end of the sidewalk and out to the driveway.  I used pieces of sod to stop most of it.
There were a couple of two inch valves that were plugged with stuff that came down the ditch.  I had to shut of the water before I could replace the valve.  I had to go up to the ditch and shut off the water and then came back replaced the valve and then go back up to send the water back to our yard.

I got a pretty good photo of our two hens.

The first job this morning was to put away all of the pipes on the wet lawn. It took me most of the morning.   My shoes were quite wet.  I also watered our plants in house six and in the garage greenhouse.

We then drove to Provo where Carol had a mammograph.  We then stopped at Nyleen and Mile's home where I got hair cut.   
They have this pretty Japanese Maple.  On the way home we stopped at the Red Barn for ice cream.  We got home at 5:30.

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