
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Visit with My Doctor

It was about 3:50 this morning when I got up this morning.  I thought that was 5:30.   Carol was awake and was wondering why I was up so early.  I didn't figure out the why until I got up at my regular time.  I have an appointment with my doctor at eight and wasn't going to eat until I got back.  I made my old fasion oats and cooked breakfast for Carol.  I was a little early for my appointment.  The door was locked.  a receptionist unlocked the door and let me in.  I waited nearly thirty minutes before I saw the doctor.

It was a regular exam, ie, blood pressure, heart and lungs, and checking the bottom of my foot with a thin probe.  That is done for those that have diabetes.  I went to the service drug.  It was still closed.  I then went to a new grocery store and looked around.  I hadn't been in the store since it was sold to new owners.  I went back to the drug store.  It was still closed.  I parked across the street facing the sun to keep warm without running the car engine.  The open light came on at the drug store.  I parked in front of the store and went in.  The prescription was ready.  Then I drove home and had my breakfast.  

 I sanded the stool that I was working on.  I put Elmer's glue on the underside of the seat put the legs on top of it.  I put a heavy weight on it to apply pressure.  I then spent a little time in house five.  I took my brad Nailer out of the box.  I carefully placed the seat right side up and drove brads into the skirt of the stool.  
The above photo is of the brad Nailer that didn't work.  I watched four or five videos to learn more of the operation of the brad Nailer.  There was a comment about a flashing light that indicated the battery was dead.  I put a good battery in the old Nailer, and surprise, it worked.  I came back later, and it didn't work.  I removed a brad that was stuck in the Nailer.  It still didn't work.

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